Our 30-acre Camp is located 7 miles North of the Battle Creek VA Hospital on Manning Lake in Michigan's beautiful Barry County. This is a great place for disabled veterans to come relax and decompress.
Are you a disabled veteran looking for a place where you can get some peaceful nature therapy? We have 700 feet of frontage on a private lake. You can enjoy hiking, biking, camping, kayaking, fishing, etc. while you stay with us.
While we will give you plenty of time to do your own thing, taking care of the Pheasants is a necessary and rewarding chore at Camp Bright Bird. You will be amazed how peaceful and relaxing it can be taking care of the flock.
This chunk of wetland on the property attracts a variety of critters, especially Wild Turkey and Waterfowl. If you enjoy birdwatching, you won't be disappointed in the different types of birds you will see here.
Your donations enable us to complete our mission of reaching disabled veterans. It's more than just having them visit our camp. It's getting to know them and addressing their needs. We lose too many and every opportunity we have to connect with one in a meaningful way at the local level can't be wasted. They aren't numbers on our books, they are one of us.
Manning Lake is a 16-acre natural spring-fed lake located 1 mile South of Fine Lake in Barry County, Michigan. The deepest point is about 13 feet and it's usually calm due to the trees surrounding it. It's a great place to fish for Bluegill and Bass or watch the Geese and Ducks fly in and out..
For veterans who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder due to combat trauma, the Veteran's Administration often suggests animals as a companion or for emotional support. Establishing a daily routine of caring for an animal can give them a sense of purpose and a feeling of accomplishment. While most people use Dogs, we find our daily routine taking care of the birds to be relaxing and therapeutic. These Pheasants sing songs, dance and even run around playing games like "Keep Away" with a feather. Every veteran who has come to help has enjoyed themselves and reported a sense of calm. If you know a veteran that might benefit from this, they can volunteer in our Flight Pen or we can help them design and plan their own.
Breeding Pair of Lady Amhurst Pheasants